This is the third post in a series covering Shotokan’s complete system of kumite practice and it focuses on jyu ippon kumite techniques against the following attacks:

  • Jodan oi tsuki
  • Chudan oi tsuki
  • Chudan mae geri
  • Yoko geri kekomi
  • Jodan mawashi geri
  • Ushiro geri
  • Jodan kizami tsuki
  • Chudan gyaku tsuki.

If you haven’t already, please check out the first post of the series which covers gohon kumite and sanbon kumite drills and the second post of the series which covers all kihon ippon kumite drills.

Table of Contents

What is Jyu Ippon Kumite

Jyu means “freestyle”, ippon means “one” and kumite means ““the meeting of hands”. So, jyu ippon kumite means “freestyle one-step sparring”.

In jyu ippon kumite, the attacker and the defender assume freestyle sparring stances and are free to move around.

There is no specified distance between the attacker and the defender and both should adjust their distance according to the other’s moves in order to maintain a safe distance like in actual combat.

The attacker will attack when he or she is ready and the defender needs to be ready to defend at any time.

Similar to kihon ippon kumite, there can be only one attack at a time in jyu ippon kumite and the defender will defend with a blocking or taisabaki technique and follow up with a counter-attack.

There are many more jyu ipon kumite techniques than kihon ippon kumite and they are also more advanced and include close quarter as well as throwing techniques.

Jyu ippon kumite builds up from the kihon ippon kumite foundation and includes many techniques from kihon ippon kumite but done in a free fighting stance.

Jyu ippon kumite drills are taught at advanced levels. They are part of Shotokan grading requirements from 2nd kyu brown belt to shodan and beyond.

Purposes of Jyu Ippon Kumite Training

Jyu ippon kumite drills aim to prepare you for jyu kumite or free sparring.

Jyu ippon kumite is very similar to the condition of free sparring in that both the attacker and the defender are free to move around like in a free sparring match or a street fight.

However, unlike free sparring where there is often a combination of unknown attacks, there is only one attack in each drill and the exact attack is known in advance.

Jyu ippon kumite exercises continue to develop distance, timing, body shifting, body rotation, zanshin, and your ability to deal with various types of attacks in preparation for free sparring situations.

The idea is to practice these jyu ippon kumite drills over and over again to make these techniques become a part of your bodyness so that in an actual fight you can instantly react without thinking.

Jyu Ippon Kumite Tips

If you haven’t already, please check out the gohon and sanbon kumite tips and kihon ippon kumite tips because they apply to jyu ippon kumite drills as well and won’t be repeated here.

Below are some important points that I would like to emphasize.

As with gohon kumite, sanbon kumite and kihon ipppon kumite, you need to display a strong martial attitude when practicing jyu ippon kumite.

Treat each drill like a micro sequence of a real fight in a battle of life and death with a strong and shrewd opponent. Produce the best techniques you possibly can whether you are the attacker or the defender.

As previously mentioned in this series, you can only fight the way you practice, therefore you need to treat every practice like a real fight so that when you face an actual opponent, you are very ready, both body and mind.

When you begin to learn jyu ippon kumite, you are already an advanced student (second or first kyu brown belt level) and you are expected to deliver strong and powerful techniques that are capable of finishing off an opponent with a single blow.

If you find that your techniques are not yet at that level, then you need to spend even more time on mastering your basics.

If you can’t deliver a strong punch from a stationary position, it’s guaranteed that you won’t be able to deliver a strong punch in jyu ippon kumite drills and in freestyle sparring later on.

So, continue to practice a lot of kihon, it is the key to good kata and good kumite.

Lastly, in order for jyu ippon kumite to become useful in free sparring later on, you need to practice these drills for thousands and thousands of time, with a partner and alone.

You can only use them in a fight when they have become a part of you after years of dedicated training.

If you are short on time, choose a few favorite techniques from each group and focus on those instead of spreading your time to cover all techniques.

Real success in martial arts is based on the ability to perform a few things very, very well, rather than knowing a large range of items only a little.

Robert S. Weinberg, 9th Degree Black Belt in Shorin-Ryu Karate, New York Rendokan. Inc.

Defense Against Jodan Oi Tsuki

Jodan Number 1: Attack with Jodan oi tsuki. Defend with Jodan tate shuto uke and counter-attack with Chudan gyaku tsuki.

Jodan Number 2: Attack with Jodan oi tsuki. Defend with Nagashi uke and counter-attack with Chudan gyaku ura tsuki.

Jodan Number 3: Attack with Jodan oi tsuki. Defend with Jodan age uke or Tate uke (move to the outside of the opponent) and counter-attack with Kizami mawashi geri and Chudan gyaku tsuki.

Jodan Number 4: Attack with Jodan oi tsuki. Defend with Jodan hirate barai and counter-attack with Chudan gyaku teisho uchi.

Jodan Number 5: Attack with Jodan oi tsuki. Defend with Jodan osae uke and counter-attack with Migi ashi tobi-geri and Uraken uchi.

Jodan Number 6: Attack with Jodan oi tsuki. Defend with Hidari haiwan uke. Step forward to the inside of the opponent and grab the opponent’s neck, pull down and drop (Okuri dashi), followed by Uchi mawashi geri.

Jodan Number 7: Attack with Jodan oi tsuki. Defend with Migi Haiwan uke, step behind and pull down (hiki taoshi). Counter-attack with Gedan tsuki.

A demonstration of jyu ippon kumite for jodan oi tsuki attack numbers 1 to 4 by Paul Walker Sensei.
A demonstration of jyu ippon kumite for jodan oi tsuki attack numbers 1 to 5 by Sensei Hirokazu Kanazawa’s students.

A demonstration of jyu ippon kumite for jodan oi tsuki attack numbers 1 to 6 by Sensei Peder Knudsen.

Defense Against Chudan Oi Tsuki

Chudan Number 1: Attack with Chudan oi tsuki. Defend with Chudan soto ude uke and counter-attack with Chudan gyaku tsuki.

Chudan Number 2: Attack with Chudan oi tsuki. Defend with Hidari Seiryuto gedan uke and counter-attack with Uraken uchi.

Chudan Number 3: Attack with Chudan oi tsuki. Evade (Tai sabaki) to the outside of the opponent at the same time as the attack and counter-attack with Chudan gyaku tsuki.

Chudan Number 4: Attack with Chudan oi tsuki. Defend with Chudan mae geri (to the opponent’s tandian when sensing the attack is coming) and Gedan barai and counter-attack with Kizami tsuki or Tate tsuki.

Chudan Number 5: Attack with Chudan oi tsuki. Defend with Gyaku gedan barai. Counter-attack with Ushiro Mawashi geri, Osotogari, Gyaku tsuki.

Chudan Number 6: Attack with Chudan oi tsuki. Defend with Migi kake shuto uke. Counter-attack with Hidari tate nuki taoshi, Ushiro empi.

Chudan Number 7: Attack with Chudan oi tsuki. Defend with Hidari haiwan uke, Ashi barai. Counter-attack with Ushiro mawashi kakato geri.

Chudan Number 8: Attack with Chudan oi tsuki. Defend with Hidari soto ude uke (grab fist and twist) and counter-attack with Kobura gaeshi (step across and drop) and Gyaku tsuki.

A demonstration of jyu ippon kumite for chudan oi tsuki attack numbers 1 to 5 by Sensei Hirokazu Kanazawa’s students.
A demonstration of jyu ippon kumite for chudan oi tsuki attack numbers 1 to 4 by Sensei Paul Walker.

Defense Against Chudan Mae Geri

Mae Geri Number 1: Attack with Chudan mae geri. Defend with Gedan barai (from a 45-degree angle) and counter-attack with Chudan gyaku tsuki.

Mae Geri Number 2: Attack with Chudan mae geri. Defend with Migi gedan barai, Tate uke and counter-attack with Choku tsuki.

Mae Geri Number 3: Attack with Chudan mae geri. Defend with Gedan juji uke and counter-attack with Jodan shuto uchi.

Mae Geri Number 4: Attack with Chudan mae geri. Step past the attacker and defend with Gedan barai and spin to counter-attack with Gyaku tsuki.

Mae Geri Number 5: Attack with Chudan mae geri. Defend with Hidari gedan barai (moving in) and counter-attack with Jigoku otoshi in kiba dachi stance.

Mae Geri Number 6: Attack with Chudan mae geri. Defend by Taisabaki (to the left in neko ashi dachi) and counter-attack with Migi gedan geri (to the groin).

Mae Geri Number 7: Attack with Chudan mae geri. Defend with Gyaku gedan barai, Kake uke and counter-attack with Osotogari, gyaku tsuki.

A demonstration of jyu ippon kumite for chudan mae geri attack numbers 1 to 4 by Sensei Paul Walker.
A demonstration of jyu ippon kumite for chudan mae geri attack numbers 1 to 6 by Sensei Peder Knudsen.
A demonstration of jyu ippon kumite for chudan mae geri attack numbers 1 to 4 by Sensei Hirokazu Kanazawa’s students.

Defense Against Yoko Geri Kekomi

Yoko Geri Number 1: Attack with Yoko kekomi. Defend with Hidari soto ude uke and counter-attack with Gyaku tsuki.

Yoko Geri Number 2: Attack with Yoko geri kekomi. Defend with Awase seiryuto uke and counter-attack with Migi jodan tate tsuki.

Yoko Geri Number 3: Attack with Yoko geri kekomi. Defend with Hidari haiwan uke and counter-attack with Ushiro mawashi empi (in Zenkutsu dachi).

A demonstration of jyu ippon kumite for yoko geri kekomi attack numbers 1 to 3 by Sensei Paul Walker.
A demonstration of jyu ipon kumite for yoko geri kekomi attack numbers 1 to 3 by Sensei Hirokazu Kanazawa’s students.

Defense Against Jodan Mawashi Geri

Mawashi Geri Number 1. Attack with Jodan mawashi geri. Defend with Jodan haiwan uke and counter-attack with Chudan gyaku tsuki.

Mawashi Geri Number 2. Attack with Jodan mawashi geri. Defend by taking a big step forward and counter-attack with Kizami gyaku tsuki, Tate shuto uke.

Mawashi Geri Number 3. Attack with Jodan mawashi geri. Defend with Awase shuto uke (kaisho heiko uke) and counter-attack with Mawashi geri.

Mawashi Geri Number 4. Attack with Jodan mawashi geri. Defend by stepping forward and blocking with Jodan hidari uchi ude uke. Counter-attack with Gedan haito uchi.

A demonstration of jyu ippon kumite for jodan mawashi geri attack numbers 1 to 3 by Sensei Paul Walker.
A demonstration of jyu ippon kumite for jodan mawashi geri attack numbers 1 to 3 by Sensei Hirokazu Kanazawa’s students.

Defense Against Ushiro Geri

Ushiro Geri Number 1: Attack with Ushiro geri. Defend with Gyaku sukui uke and counter-attack with Kizami tate tsuki.

Ushiro Geri Number 2: Attack with Ushiro geri. Defend with Gyaku ude uke and counter-attack with Ashi barai throw and Gyaku tsuki.

Ushiro Geri Number 3: Attack with Ushiro geri. Defend with Migi sukui uke and counter-attack with Hidari ushiro geri.

A demonstration of jyu ippon kumite for ushiro geri attack numbers 1 to 3 by Sensei Hirokazu Kanazawa’s students.
A demonstration of jyu ippon kumite for ushiro geri attack numbers 1 to 3 by Sensei Paul Walker.

Defense Against Jodan Kizami Tsuki

Kizami Tsuki Number 1: Attack with Jodan kizami tsuki. Evade by stepping to the left and counter-attack with Jodan Gyaku Uraken uchi and Hidari gyaku tsuki.

Kizami Tsuki Number 2: Attack with Jodan kizami tsuki. Defend with Kaishu nagashi uke, Ashi barai and counter-attack with Chudan gyaku Ura tsuki.

Kizami Tsuki Number 3: Attack with Jodan kizami tsuki. Defend with Haiwan nagashi uke and counter-attack with Uraken uchi (in fudo dachi and simultaneously).

A demonstration of jyu ippon kumite for jodan kizami tsuki attack numbers 1 to 3 by Sensei Paul Walker.
A demonstration of jyu ippon kumite for jodan kizami tsuki attack numbers 1 to 3 by Sensei Hirokazu Kanazawa’s students.

Defense Against Chudan Gyaku Tsuki

Gyaku Tsuki Number 1: Attack with Chudan gyaku tsuki. Evade by stepping the right foot to the left and counter-attack with Kizami tsuki and Gyaku tsuki.

Gyaku Tsuki Number 2: Attack with Chudan gyaku tsuki. Defend with Gyaku gedan baraiMawashi geri and counter-attack with Heiko ushiro shuto uchi.

Gyaku Ttsuki Number 3: Attack with Chudan gyaku tsuki. Defend with Hidari gedan barai and counter-attack with Hidari uraken uchi.

Gyaku Tsuki Number 4: Attack with Chudan gyaku tsuki. Defend with Hidari gedan barai. Simulataneously counter-attack with Migi jodan tsuki.

A demonstration of jyu ippon kumite for chudan gyaku tsuki attack numbers 1 to 3 by Sensei Paul Walker.
A demonstration of jyu ippon kumite for chudan gyaku tsuki attack numbers 1 to 3 by Sensei Hirokazu Kanazawa’s students.

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Shotokan Karate Academy Vancouver: Kumite

Shotokan Karate Cote Saint-Luc – Kumite

Kumite – Wikipedia

JKA Australia grading system

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