This is an overview of the Goju Ryu karate belt and ranking system with detailed grading requirements for each grading.

Chojun Miyagi, the founder of Goju Ryu did not believe in belts and ranking. He was quoted as saying “If your karate is good enough you do not need a black belt to prove it, and if it is not, then you should not wear one.”

Chojun Miyagi reportedly refused to award dan grades to anyone (Japanese or Okinawan) and it was only after his death that Goju Ryu dojos followed the footsteps of other styles and began to adopt the belt and ranking system that Jigoro Kano established for Judo.

Here is another quote by Chojun Miyagi that explains why he didn’t believe in this practice:

I believe that when Dan ranks are awarded in karate, it will inevitably lead to trouble. The ranking system will lead to discrimination within Karate, and karateka will be judged by their rank and not their character. It will create inferior and superior strata within the Karate community, and lead to discrimination between people.

Chojun Miyagi.

Nevertheless, grades, belts, and rankings are an integral part of the karate system everywhere we go today and I do see some merits for it.

In the old days, karate masters usually only trained a handful students and everyone probably knew the technical abilities of the people they trained with.

But in today’s dojos, there could be 20 to 30 people or more training at the same time. People also come and go on a regular basis and it’s hard to remember where everyone is at. Color belts, therefore, help identify students’ levels and group them accordingly for teaching and drilling purposes.

Similar to the Shotokan belt and ranking system, there are slight variations across Goju Ryu organizations as well.

The following is largely based on the grading curriculum of the International Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Federation (IOGKF).

As Goju Ryu has only 12 kata (probably having the fewest number of katas amongst the major karate styles), bunkai drills are emphasized instead of kihon ippon kumite and jyu ippon kumite drills like under a typical Shotokan system.

White belt10th KyuKihon: Basic kihon (basic punch, block, and kick techniques and basic stances)
Kata: Tachi kata (stance kata)
Kumite: No contact to very light contact randori
White belt with one stripe9th KyuMinimum training time: 3 months or 25 sessions
Karate terms: counting to 10 in Japanese and some basic terms like junbi undo, kihon training, kumite, directions and sides
Kihon: Basic kihon (basic punch, block, and kick techniques and basic stances)
Kata: Gekisai Dai Ichi (basic sequence)
Kumite: Sandan Gi number 1 and light contact randori
Fitness: Push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, air squats, squat thrusts, star jumps, a mile run, etc.
Yellow belt8th KyuMinimum training time: 3 months or 25 sessions since the last grading
Karate terms: Japanese terms for stances and techniques learned so far
Kihon: Basic kihon (basic punch, block, and kick techniques and basic stances)
Kata: Gekisai Dai Ichi (relatively good form)
Kumite: Sandan Gi number 1 & 2 and light contact randori
Kakie: basic kakie form
Fitness: Push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, air squats, squat thrusts, star jumps, a mile run, etc.
Orange belt7th KyuMinimum training time: 3-4 months or 30 sessions since the last grading
Karate terms: Japanese terms for stances and techniques learned so far
Kihon: Basic kihon (basic punch, block, and kick techniques and basic stances) from standing and basic kihon ido (moving basics)
Kata: Gekisai Dai Ichi and Gekisai Dai Ni
Bunkai: show bunkai for Gekisai Dai Ichi (both sides)
Kumite: Sandan Gi number 1 to 4 and light contact randori
Kakie: basic kakie practice
Fitness: Push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, air squats, squat thrusts, star jumps, a mile run, etc.
Green belt6th KyuMinimum training time: 4-5 months or 40 sessions since the last grading
Karate terms: Japanese terms for stances and techniques learned so far
Kihon: Intermediate kihon and ido kihon (good form)
Kata: Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa
Bunkai: show bunkai for Gekisai Dai Ichi and Gekisai Dai Ni (both left and right sides)
Kumite: Sandan Gi number 1 to 4; two-person Gekisai Dai Ichi drill and full contact randori
Kakie: Gekisai Dai Ichi kakie
Fitness: Push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, air squats, squat thrusts, star jumps, a mile run, etc.
Blue belt5th KyuMinimum training time: 5-6 months or 50 sessions since the last grading
Karate terms: Japanese terms for stances and techniques learned so far
Kihon: Intermediate kihon and ido kihon (good form)
Kata: Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa, and Sanchin
Bunkai: show bunkai for Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, and Saifa (both left and right sides)
Kumite: Sandan Gi number 1 to 4; two-person Gekisai Dai Ichi drill and full contact randori
Kakie: Gekisai Dai Ichi and Gekisai Dai Ni kakie techniques
Fitness: Push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, air squats, squat thrusts, star jumps, a mile run, etc.
Purple belt4th KyuMinimum training time: 6-7 months or 60 sessions since the last grading
Karate terms: Japanese terms for stances and techniques learned so far
Kihon: Intermediate kihon and ido kihon (good form and good power and proper hips engagement in all techniques)
Kata: Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa, Seiyunchin, and Sanchin
Bunkai: show bunkai for Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, and Saifa (both left and right sides)
Kumite: Sandan Gi number 1 to 4; two-person Gekisai Dai Ichi drill and jiyu kumite (free sparring)
Kakie: Demonstrading Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, and Saifa kakie techniques
Fitness: Push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, air squats, squat thrusts, star jumps, a mile run, etc.
Brown Belt3rd KyuMinimum training time: 7-8 months or 70 sessions since the last grading
Karate terms: Japanese terms for stances and techniques learned so far
Kihon: Advanced kihon and ido kihon (good form and good power and proper hips engagement in all techniques both whether performed in stationary stances or when moving)
Kihon: Basic punch and kick techniques and basic stances
Kata: Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa, Seiyunchin, and Sanchin
Bunkai: show bunkai for Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa and Seiyunchin (both left and right sides)
Kumite: Sandan Gi number 1 to 4; two-person Gekisai Dai Ichi drill and jiyu kumite (free sparring against one opponent)
Kakie: Demonstrating Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, and Saifa kakie techniques
Fitness: Push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, air squats, squat thrusts, star jumps, a mile run, etc.
Brown Belt2nd kyuMinimum training time: 8-9 months or 80 sessions since the last grading
Karate terms: Japanese terms for stances and techniques learned so far
Kihon: Advanced kihon and ido kihon (good form and good power and proper hips engagement in all techniques both whether performed in stationary stances or when moving)
Kata: Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa, Seiyunchin, Shisochin, Sanchin
Bunkai: show bunkai for Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa, Seiyunchin and Shisochin (both left and right sides)
Kumite: Sandan Gi number 1 to 4; two-person Gekisai Dai Ichi drill and jiyu kumite (free sparring against one and two opponents)
Kakie: Demonstrating Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, and Saifa kakie techniques
Fitness: Push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, air squats, squat thrusts, star jumps, a mile run, etc.
Brown belt1st KyuMinimum training time: 9-10 months or 90 sessions since the last grading
Karate terms: Japanese terms for stances and techniques learned so far
Kihon: Advanced kihon and ido kihon (good form and good power and proper hips engagement in all techniques both whether performed in stationary stances or when moving)
Kata: Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa, Seiyunchin, Shisochin, and Sanchin
Bunkai: show bunkai for Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa, Seiyunchin and Shisochin (both left and right sides)
Kumite: Sandan Gi number 1 to 4; two-person Gekisai Dai Ichi drill and jiyu kumite (free sparring against one and two opponents)
Kakie: Demonstrating Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa, and Seiyunchin kakie techniques
Fitness: Push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, air squats, squat thrusts, star jumps, a mile run, etc.
Black belt1st DanMinimum training time: 10-11 months or 100 sessions since the last grading. You would have trained for around 5 years in total. However, some may be recommended for black belt grading with a minimum of 3 years of training in total due to previous martial art experience or exceptional talent and dedication.
Karate terms: Japanese terms for stances and techniques learned so far including those in kata
Kihon: Advanced kihon and ido kihon (displaying consistent good forms, good speed, good power and martial spirit in all techniques)
Kata: Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa, Seiyunchin and Shisochin, Sanchin (with shime) including turning Sanchin
Bunkai: demonstrating bunkai for all kata (Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni Saifa, Seiyunchin and Shisochin); both left and right sides are required
Kumite: Sandan Gi number 1 to 4; two-person Gekisai Dai Ichi drill and jiyu kumite (free sparring against one, two, three opponents); ten-man kumite variations
Kakie: Demonstrating Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa and Seiyunchin kakie techniques
Fitness: Push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, air squats, squat thrusts, star jumps, a mile run, etc.
Other requirements: participation in at least 3 regional, national, or international gasshukus during the brown belt period.
Black belt2nd DanMinimum training time: A minimum of 2 years of training since Shodan grading. You would have trained for around 7 years in total
Kihon: as requested by the examination committee
Kata: all kata from Gekisai Dai Ichi to Sanseru plus Sanchin (with Shime) and Tensho
Bunkai: demonstrating bunkai for all kata (Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa, Seiyunchin, Shisochin, and Sanseru); both left and right sides are required
Kumite: all Sandan Gi drills; two-person Gekisai Dai Ichi drill; two-person Gekisai Dai Ni drill; full contact jiyu kumite or 10-man kumite variations as requested by the examination committee
Kakie: Demonstrating Gekisai Dai Ichi to Shisochin kakie techniques
Fitness: Push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, air squats, squat thrusts, star jumps, a mile run, etc.
Other requirements: participation in at least 3 regional, national or international gasshukus since the last grading (excluding the gassuku where you attend to grade for Shodan)
Black belt3rd DanMinimum training time: A minimum of 3 years of training since Shodan grading. You would have trained for at least 10 years to reach 3rd Dan
Kihon: as requested by the examination committee
Kata: all kata from Gekisai Dai Ichi to Sepai plus Sanchin (with shime) and Tensho
Bunkai: demonstrating bunkai for all kata (Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa, Seiyunchin, Shisochin, Sanseru, and Sepai); both left and right sides are required
Kumite: all Sandan Gi drills; two-person Gekisai Dai Ichi drill; two-person Gekisai Dai Ni drill; full contact sparring or 10-man kumite variations as requested by the examination committee;
Kakie: Demonstrating Gekisai Dai Ichi to Sanseru kakie techniques
Other requirements: participation in at least 4 regional, national or international gasshukus since the last grading (excluding the gassuku where you attend to grade for Nidan)
Black belt4th DanMinimum training time: A minimum of 4 years of training since 3rd Dan grading. On average, you would have trained for about 15 years to reach 4th Dan
Kihon: as requested by the examination committee
Kata: all kata from Gekisai Dai Ichi to Kururunfa plus Sanchin (with Shime) and Tensho
Bunkai: demonstrating bunkai for all kata (Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa, Seiyunchin, Shisochin, Sanseru, Sepai, and Kururunfa); both left and right sides are required
Kumite: all Sandan Gi drills; two-person Gekisai Dai Ichi drill; two-person Gekisai Dai Ni drill; full contact sparring or 10-man kumite variations as requested by the examination committee
Kakie: Demonstrating Gekisai Dai Ichi to Sepai kakie techniques
Other requirements: participation in at least 4 regional, national or international gasshukus since the last grading (excluding the gassuku where you attend to grade for Sandan)
Black belt5th DanMinimum training time: A minimum of 5 years of training since 4th Dan grading. You would need to train for about 20 years to reach 5th Dan
Kihon: as requested by the examination committee
Kata: all kata from Gekisai Dai Ichi to Seisan plus Sanchin and Tensho
Bunkai: demonstrating bunkai for all kata (Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa, Seiyunchin, Shisochin, Sanseru, Sepai, Kururunfa, and Seisan); both left and right sides are required
Kumite: all Sandan Gi drills; two-person Gekisai Dai Ichi drill; two-person Gekisai Dai Ni drill; full contact sparring or 10-man kumite variations as requested by the examination committee
Kakie: Demonstrating Gekisai Dai Ichi to Kururunfa kakie techniques
Other requirements: participation in at least 4 regional, national or international gasshukus since the last grading (excluding the gassuku where you attend to grade for Yondan)
Black belt6th DanMinimum training time: A minimum of 5 years of training since 5th Dan grading. You would need to train for 25-30 years to reach 6th Dan
Kihon: as requested by the examination committee
Kata: all kata from Gekisai Dai Ichi to Suparunpei plus Sanchin and Tensho
Bunkai: demonstrating bunkai for all kata (Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa, Seiyunchin, Shisochin, Sanseru, Kururunfa, Sepai, Seisan, and Suparunpei); both left and right sides are required
Kumite: all Sandan Gi drills; two-person Gekisai Dai Ichi drill; two-person Gekisai Dai Ni drill; full contact sparring or 10-man kumite variations as requested by the examination committee
Kakie: Demonstrating Gekisai Dai Ichi to Seisan kakie techniques
Other requirements: participation in at least 4 regional, national or international gasshukus since the last grading (excluding the gassuku where you attend to grade for Godan)
Black belt7th to 10th DanHonorary Dan is usually awarded on the recommendation of the Chief Instructor or Executive Committee in recognition of the recipient’s outstanding contribution to martial arts


IOGKF Grading Requirements

EGKA Student Handbook

Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Yudansha Ranks

Goju Ryu Karate New Zealand

GKI Grading System