How to Lose Your Karate Belly

How to Lose Your Karate Belly

Some people train hard and regularly but still have a large gut, which is very unhealthy. It is very difficult to get rid of belly fat, and that’s why we have the current obesity epidemic. However, it is not impossible. In this article, we will cover eight...
What Is Mushin and How to Achieve It?

What Is Mushin and How to Achieve It?

Mushin is an important concept in martial arts that originated from Zen Buddhism. This in-depth post covers the meaning of mushin, how the mind of a martial artist progresses through their training to achieve mushin, and what one can do to get there. What Is Mushin?...
How to Build a Strong Fighter Body

How to Build a Strong Fighter Body

Building a strong body should be an essential part of a karateka’s training program. No matter how good your techniques are, at the end of the day, size and strength do matter a lot in a fight. This post covers six types of training that can help you build a...
Seven Cardio Karate Workouts

Seven Cardio Karate Workouts

This post gives you seven cardio karate workouts that you can use to improve your heart health, endurance, and overall fitness and potentially burn off some extra calories to lose unwanted fat. Karate-Inspired Cardio Workouts and Their Benefits Cardio, also known as...