Sparring is an integral part of your karate training because karate is a fighting art after all. To improve your sparring, there is no shortcut, you will need a systematic approach to build a solid foundation. This is what we will look at in this article.
To systematically improve your karate sparring, you will need to develop power in your techniques through your kihon training; improve your speed, timing and distance; learn to relax and be present; control your emotion; and finally practice fighting a lot with different types of opponents.
Let’s have a look at each component below.
1. Develop power in your techniques
Karate’s aim is peace without incident. You don’t provoke or incite violence. If you are attacked, you will use what you learn to defend yourself. And if you have to finish off an opponent, you want to do the job as quickly as possible. You don’t want to waste energy bouncing around. You don’t want a prolonged fight either. You want each of your techniques to be as deadly as the other.
So, how can you achieve that?
The answer is through consistent good kihon training.
The techniques that you use in sparring are the same techniques that you learn in your kihon training. They are just the ordinary blocks, punches, and kicks.
To turn these ordinary blocks, punches, and kicks into powerful and deadly attacks, you need to diligently and consistently work on each of these techniques in your kihon training.
The following tips can help you develop power in your techniques:
- Put in the time and learn all the techniques as instructed
- Choose a few techniques that you feel they best fit your body physique and want to use in sparring
- Perform those techniques in stationary positions until you get the body mechanic right and develop real power (e.g. if you can send a punching bag flying 90 degrees, there’s definitely awesome energy there)
- Perform those techniques in motion against an invisible opponent and see if you can still generate power while in motion
- Perform those techniques in a variety of combinations. Try many different combinations and see which ones work best for you, and focus on those.
2. Improve the speed of technique execution
According to legendary sensei Inoue Yoshimi, you should be able to execute a karate technique in the time it takes to blink, or in 0.2 seconds to be exact. That is very very fast.
Fortunately, speed will come as you spend time in the dojo and at home to work on developing the power of your techniques.
Here are a few tips to improve the speed of your techniques:
- Body conditioning. A weak body can’t execute fast techniques, so incorporate exercises that improve your flexibility, strength, agility, and endurance in addition to your karate training
- Eliminate redundant movements. For example, do mawashi geri in one fluid movement rather than in three steps
- Make your attack linear. Punching in a straight line will certainly be faster than punching in a curve line with your elbow poking out. This is why your sensei tells you all the time to keep your elbow in
- Find the right stance for you. You will find that the speed of your techniques varies with stances. Try different stances and see which one is the most natural to you and best supports your speed
- Train your fast-twitch muscles for explosiveness with plyometric exercises like box jumps, clapping push-ups, jump squats, kettlebell swings and medicine ball throws
- Relax. If you tense up, you will slow down. You will learn to relax as you gain experience. The more you train, the more sparring will become like just another day at the office and the less tense you will be.
3. Work on your timing
It’s rare to find an academic paper on karate but I found a great article on timing by Cohen (2007) and this section is largely based on Cohen’s work.
Perfect timing in karate means being able to decipher small movements and interpret them as signs of an opponent’s decision to launch an attack. It includes the ability to perceive those signs and react to them before the opponent is aware of their own decisions. It also contains the ability of the body to perceive and move without recourse to cognition.
Perfect timing cannot be achieved by employing a technique but rather, through a means that resembles meditation, by letting go of the usual, purposeful ways of engaging with bodyness. However, once the sign is given and received, once the attack has started, all hell breaks loose, and the two opponents explode into rapid, fierce, and powerful fighting movements. Yet whoever can master perfect timing, whoever can anticipate an attack before it is even decided but when it is already too late to stop it, whoever can penetrate the other’s bodyness and feel what is going on there can also abort the fight on the threshold of its unfolding. The intentionality that results from this mode of social interaction is marked by the potentiality of bodyness to achieve perfect timing. It is enmeshed with the double potentiality whereby violence can explode or can be diverted from its explosive course. Thus, perfect timing changes the nature of the interaction and of the entire scene
As I understand it, perfect timing in karate is having a zen state of mind, being in the moment, and being free from fear, anger, hatred, worry, shame, or arrogance. Your mind is empty and quiet. You sense your opponent’s imminent move and you act unconsciously without planning or even thinking.
So how can you develop this state of mind in fighting? How can you achieve perfect timing or even just good timing in actual combats?
According to Cohen, initial training toward perfect timing consists of developing the capacity to discern slight changes in an opponent such as changes in facial expression, the flexing of hands backward to collect speed before an attack, or the moving of the front foot to stabilize before a kick. It is important to concentrate on the opponent’s eyes, allowing a clear peripheral vision of the entire body in order to catch the opponent’s decision.
At the same time, you need to learn to eliminate your own precursory signs and give the game away to the opponent. You need to learn to conceal your own decision because if you decide to make a move, you would have given the signal away to a skillful opponent who would then be able to catch you going out. Concealing your decision not only involves a somatic technique but also depends on your capacity to remain calm, to forgo consciousness, to relinquish the will to strike the target, and even the will to win the bout.
It sounds counterintuitive but the above means trusting your body and its years and years of training and letting it do its own fighting unconsciously.
4. Work out the appropriate distance
Distance in karate means the distance between you and your opponent.
Working out an appropriate distance is important to protect yourself and to effectively counter-attack or launch attacks proactively.
The distance can be long-range, medium-range, close-range or ground-fighting range.
To work out the right distance in sparring, you should take into account a number of factors including your and your opponent’s height, reach, physical conditions, and sparring skills.
If you face an opponent who is taller and has a longer reach than you, you may need to increase the distance to protect yourself and use evasion techniques simultaneously with counterattacks.
If you have powerful kicks, you can fight from a further distance. If you have developed powerful one-inch punches, you might prefer close-range fighting.
If you don’t have much fighting experience, maintaining a good distance may be the best thing to do. As you become more experienced, you might be comfortable fighting close-range and look for an opportunity to take the opponent down.
It also depends on the karate style you train in. Shotokan karate style tends to favor long-distance sparring whereas Goju Ryu style tends to focus on close-range sparring.
The only way to find out which one works for you in what situation is to test them all out in a lot of sparring practice against opponents of different sizes and technical abilities.
5. Learn to relax and be present
Being relaxed and present during a fight allows you to react effectively to your opponent’s attacks.
Whenever you are tense or nervous, your mind reacts less effectively and more slowly. Similarly, when your muscles are rigid, it takes your nervous system longer to transmit electrical stimuli to the muscles and nerve fibers. This makes your techniques lose power and speed.
On the other hand, when you are relaxed, your mind and body act and react faster, allowing you to execute the techniques quicker.
However, it is easier said than done. You can’t command your body to relax. Relax will come with practice, experience, and confidence in your own ability.
In addition, to fight effectively, you need to be present and totally focus on the fight at hand. When you are facing an opponent, it is not the time to analyze your opponent, think about winning or losing, or worry about the consequence of the outcome. Let go of everything. Be in the here and now. Empty your mind and let your body do the fighting.
6. Learn to control your emotion
Many people lose control of themselves during sparring. They find it difficult to control their emotions.
They are angry because they let their opponent score a point easily.
They are aggressive because they are eager to win.
They are fearful when facing a bigger opponent with better ability.
They are disappointed in themselves because the fight is not happening the way they expect.
Mind and body are closely connected. Negative thoughts instantly impair physical functioning. All these emotions will stop people from fighting to the best of their ability.
The following may help you control your emotion:
- breath naturally through the nose as the body requires but expire forcefully through pursed lips when striking
- keep a relaxed posture with shoulders held down and the body as relaxed as possible
- practice, practice, and practice.
Also if you have any emotion whatsoever, don’t let your opponent know and use it to their advantage.
7. Practice fighting with different opponents
You can only fight as you practice. So if you want to be good at fighting, you will need to practice fighting a lot.
Engaging in a fight with various opponents will enable you to test your techniques, work out appropriate distances, improve your speed and timing and develop strategies. You will find out which one works and which one doesn’t and can continually fine-tune your fighting skills.
Try to fight with opponents of:
- different technical levels
- different ages
- different heights
- different strengths and weaknesses.
Also, try fights of different duration from a couple of minutes to 10 to 15 minutes or even longer to develop strength and endurance. In some dojos, blackbelt grading involves fighting non-stop with 10 different opponents.
It is not easy to find different partners of different capabilities, but if you are aware of how important fighting practice is, you will try and will find opportunities.
In the dojo, there is a limited number of partners you can spar with. But if you participate in training camps, you will meet and be able to fight with a few different people who may be as keen as you. And if you go to competitions, you will get even more opportunities.
I hope you find this post useful. Please check out my library of other karate articles which is regularly updated.
Timing in Karate and the Body in Its Own Right
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