Your first black belt (Shodan) grading will be your longest and toughest grading so far. It will also be a major milestone and probably the most memorable and proud moment in your karate journey.
You will be examined on all basic techniques and katas that you’ve learned so far. You will also need to demonstrate a new and advanced kata, either Jion or Empi kata.
In some dojos, you may be required to submit a written essay on a karate topic of your choice and may face some tough physical tests as well.
In this post, we will look at how long it usually takes for someone to get a black belt in Shotokan, how to best prepare for your black belt grading and detailed grading requirements for your Shodan grading.
- How long does it take to get a black belt in Shotokan
- How to prepare for your Shotokan black belt grading
- Shotokan karate black belt grading syllabus
How long does it take to get a black belt in Shotokan karate?
The minimum time to get a black belt in Shotokan karate is 3 years.
However, I would say this is the absolute minimum time for someone who is passionate and highly committed to their karate training, trains hard and improves their karate knowledge and skills dramatically during this period of time.
Those students would train consistently almost daily in the dojo and outside the dojo on their own. In addition, they would actively participate in seminars and training camps, compete at tournaments, and read and watch material pertaining to karate extensively.
Usually, only exceptional students who are highly committed and come with natural athletic ability can grade within this time-frame.
For average students who train regularly, it is more like 5 years or more to earn a black belt in karate.
People who start karate later in life or have physical limitations may take even longer.
However, as I mentioned previously, karate is a very personal journey for everybody and never a race or a competition. The key thing is to keep training and keep progressing as best as your circumstances allow.
If you are asked to grade and feel you are not yet ready, you can always skip your blackbelt grading and wait until you fill up the major gaps in your knowledge and skills and attempt it in the future. You are not worse off for delaying it. You are still who you are and your karate ability remains the same whether you are wearing a black belt or not.
As with previous gradings, never ask to be graded, your sensei will let you know when you are ready for your first black belt grading.
How to prepare for your black belt grading?
To me, getting your shodan rank is like graduating from university. You have gained substantial knowledge and experience in a specialist subject and are now considered an entry-level expert in the art of karate.
Below is a list of what is expected of a black belt which can be a useful guide for you when preparing for your first black belt grading:
- Know all basic karate terms in Japanese
- Know all basic karate etiquette around the dojo
- Know all basic techniques and are able to perform them with good power, speed and kime. The importance of getting a solid foundation of basic techniques cannot be overly emphasized
- Master all katas in the Shotokan curriculum that you’ve been taught. You should be able to instruct all the five heian katas to lower grades
- Have attended many seminars and training camps and competed in tournaments
- Have had plenty of sparring practice with opponents of different physiques and technical abilities
- Know how to run a class from bow in, warm-up, basic drills, and bow-out etc.
- Have a good understanding of karate history and philosophy
- Develop physical fitness and mental strength to a certain extent. To be a good fighter, you need a strong body and mental toughness.
Shotokan black belt (shodan) grading syllabus
There are 7 areas that you need to demonstrate for your black belt grading: kihon, sundome test, kata, kumite, ukemi waza, theory and fitness.
1. Kihon
You will be examined on all the stances and techniques that you have learned so far.
In the grading, you will be required to demonstrate the following technique combinations.
Kizami tsuki, mae geri, oi tsuki (in free fighting stance while going forward)
- Start in a free fighting stance, left leg forward, hands in kamae
- Perform lead-arm punch (hidari kizami tsuki), then front kick with right leg (migi mae geri) and lunge punch (migi jodan oi tsuki), back to kamae position
- Perform lead-arm punch (migi kizami tsuki), then front kick with left leg (hidari mae geri) and lunge punch (hidari jodan oi tsuki), back to kamae position
- Repeat the above as directed by the examiner.
Sanbon tsuki (while going backward)
- Start in a ready stance (yoi dachi) and then change to a left zenkutsu dachi with a left gedan barai
- Step forward into right front stance (migi zenkutsu dachi) and perform three punches: Jodan oi tsuki (migi), Chudan oi tsuki (hidari) and Chudan oi tsuki (migi)
- Step forward into left front stance (hidari zenkutsu dachi) and perform three punches: Jodan oi tsuki (hidari), Chudan oi tsuki (migi) and Chudan oi tsuki (hidari)
- Repeat the above as directed by the examiner.
Gyaku tsuki sanbon
- Start in ready stance (yoi dachi) and then change to a left zenkutsu dachi with a left gedan barai
- Step forward into right front stance (migi zenkutsu dachi) and perform 3 punches: a reverse punch with your left hand (hidari gyaku tsuki) aiming at the chest, followed by a lunge punch to the face (migi jodan oi tsuki) and another reverse punch to the chest (hidari gyaku tsuki)
- Step forward into left front stance (hidari zenkutsu dachi) and perform 3 punches again: migi gyaku tsuki aiming at the chest, hidari jodan oi tsuki aiming at the face, and migi gyaku tsuki aiming at the chest
- Repeat the above as directed by the examiner.
Age uke, Gedan barai, Gyaku tsuki
- Start in a ready stance (yoi dachi) and then change to a left zenkutsu dachi with a left gedan barai
- Step backward into a right front stance with the body making a 45 degree angle (migi hanmi zenkutsu dachi) and perform a rising block with your right hand (migi jodan age uke), immediately followed by a lower block (gedan barai) with the same hand. Counter-attack with a front kick (hidari mae geri) and a reserve punch (hidari gyaku tsuki)
- Step backward into left front stance (hidari hanmi zenkutsu dachi) and perform a rising block with your left hand (hidari jodan age uke), immediately followed by a lower block (gedan barai) with the same hand. Counter-attack with a front kick (migi mae geri) and a reverse punch (migi gyaku tsuki)
- Repeat the above technique as directed by the examiner.
Soto ude uke, Yoko empi, Uraken, and Gyaku tsuki
- Start in a ready stance (yoi dachi) and then change to a left zenkutsu dachi with a left gedan barai
- Step backward into a right front stance (migi hanmi zenkutsu dachi), perform an outside-inward block with your right hand (migi soto ude uke) and immediately counterattack with a migi yoko empi and migi uraken in kiba dachi stance, followed by a hidari gyaku tsuki in zenkutsu dachi stance
- Step backward into a left front stance (hidari hanmi zenkutsu dachi), perform an outside-inward block with your left hand (hidari soto ude uke) and immediately counterattack with a hidari yoko empi and hidari uraken in kiba dachi stance, followed by a migi gyaku tsuki in zenkutsu dachi stance
- Repeat the above technique as directed by the examiner.
Shuto uke (knife-hand block), Kizami geri (front leg kick) and Nuki-te (spear hand strike)
- Start in a ready stance (yoi dachi)
- Step backward with your right leg into a back stance (kokutsu dachi) and perform a knife-hand block with your left hand (hidari shuto uke), followed by a leading leg kick (hidari kizami geri) and a migi nuki-te (spear hand strike) in zenkutsu dachi
- Step backward with your left leg into a back stance (kokutsu dachi) and perform a knife-hand block with your right hand (migi shuto uke), followed by leading leg kick (migi kizami geri) and a hidari nuki-te (spear hand strike) in zenkutsu dachi
- Repeat the above technique as directed by the examiner.
Uchi ude uke, Kizami tsuki, Gyaku tsuki
- Start in a ready stance (yoi dachi) and then change to a left zenkutsu dachi with a left gedan barai
- Step backward into a right front stance (migi hanmi zenkutsu dachi) and perform an inside-outward block with your right hand (migi uchi ude uke) and counter-attack immediately using the same hand with a lead-arm punch (kizami tsuki), followed by a hidari gyaku tsuki
- Step backward into a left front stance (hidari hanmi zenkutsu dachi) and perform an inside-outward block with your left hand (hidari uchi ude uke) and counter-attack immediately using the same hand with a lead-arm punch (kizami tsuki), followed by a migi gyaku tsuki
- Repeat the above technique as directed by the examiner.
Mae ren-geri (Jodan and chudan level)
- Start in a ready stance and then change to a left zenkutsu dachi, hands in kamae position
- Perform a front kick with the right leg to the face level (jodan mae geri), landing the right leg into zenkutsu dachi stance then perform chudan mae geri with the left leg, landing the left leg forward into a zenkutsu dachi stance
- Perform a front kick with the left leg to the face level (jodan mae geri), landing the left leg into a zenkutsu dachi stance then perform chudan mae geri with the right leg, landing the right leg into a zenkutsu dachi stance
- Repeat the above as directed by the examiner.
Mae geri, Mawashi geri [nidan geri] and Gyaku tsuki (return to Gedan barai)
- Start in a ready stance and then change to a left zenkutsu dachi, hands in kamae position
- Perform a front kick and a roundhouse kick with the right leg (nidan geri), landing in a right zenkutsu dachi (kamae position) then do a reverse punch with the left hand (hidari gyaku tsuki)
- Perform a front kick and a roundhouse kick with the left leg, landing in a left zenkutsu dachi (kamae position) then do a reverse punch with the right hand (migi gyaku tsuki)
- Repeat the above as directed by the examiner.
Yoko nidan geri (keage and kekomi, same leg)
- Start in a ready stance
- Step to the right hand side into a horse riding stance (kiba dachi) and perform a side snap kick (migi yoko geki keage) and side thrust kick (migi yoko geri kekomi) with your right leg
- Repeat the above as directed by the examiner (you are likely required to do five kicks to the right and then turn around and do another five kicks to the left).
Kizami kekomi, Ushiro geri
- Start in a ready stance and then change to a left zenkutsu dachi, hands in kamae position
- Perform a kizami kekomi with the left leg then turn around and perform a back kick with the right leg, landing forward in a right zenkutsu dachi
- Perform a kizami kekomi with the right leg then turn around and perform a back kick with the left leg, landing forward in a left zenkutsu dachi
- Repeat the above as directed by the examiner.
In addition, at some dojos, you may be asked to perform the following from a Zenkutsu stance, facing forward so that the examiner can check these basic techniques closely again:
- Mae geri and Mawashi geri
- Mawashi geri and Yoko geri kekomi.
2. Sun dome test
The sun-dome test is a test of your ability to stop a strike at a spot just an inch from the target.
The examiner will hold a pencil loosely and move it around randomly.
The pencil will be your moving target and you need to attack it with various tsuki and keri techniques (punches and kicks).
Your techniques should be delivered with full power and speed but you should be able to control your techniques so that you always stop your fist at about an inch from the pencil.
The sun-dome test is introduced from the 2nd kyu grading onward because you are now considered an advanced enough student that your punches and kicks can cause a lot of damage.
Therefore, it’s necessary for you to learn how to control your techniques and keep a safe distance to protect your training partners as well as avoid getting yourself into trouble.
3. Kata
You will need to perform all the katas that you have learned so far from the white belt to 1st kyu including:
- Five Heian katas
- Tekki Shodan
- Bassai Dai
- Kanku Dai.
In addition, you need to perform one Sentei kata and you can choose between Empi and Jion kata.
Please check previous posts in this Shotokan grading series for demonstration of Heian katas, Tekki Shodan, Bassai Dai and Kanku Dai.
Below are a few demonstrations for Empi and Jion kata.
Jion kata
Jion means “Temple Sound”.
Jion is the second-longest kata after Kanku Dai and contains 47 moves, most of which can be found in Heian and Tekki katas.
Because the kata contains most of the basic techniques, it is an excellent kata choice for the shodan grading to further strengthen the foundation of your karate.
Empi kata
Empi (also known as Enpi) means “Flying Swallow”.
Empi is an advanced kata with many fast and dynamic movements and sweeping and rising motions resembling a flying swallow.
Empi is a beautiful kata and many have chosen to perform it at tournaments and you could choose it to challenge yourself for your first black belt grading.
4. Kumite
For your 1st kyu grading, you are required to demonstrate the following Jyu Ippon Kumite techniques:
- One Jodan
- One Chudan
- One Mae geri
- One Kekomi
- One Mawashi geri
- One Ushiro geri
- One Kizami tsuki
- One Gyaku tsuki.
Below is a full list of all Jyu Ippon Kumite techniques in the Shotokan karate curriculum.
You can choose any one technique in each group to perform but remember that you may be asked to perform any of the techniques that you have learned and examined in previous gradings.
Jodan oi tsuki
- Jodan Number 1: Attack with Jodan oi tsuki. Defend with Tate shuto uke and counter-attack with Gyaku tsuki
- Jodan Number 2: Attack with Jodan oi tsuki. Defend with Nagashi uke and counter-attack with Ura tsuki
- Jodan Number 3: Attack with Jodan oi tsuki. Defend with Age uke or Tate uke (from the outside) and counter-attack with Mawashi geri and Gyaku tsuki
- Jodan Number 4: Attack with Jodan oi tsuki. Defend with Hirate barai and counter-attack with Teisho uchi
- Jodan Number 5: Attack with Jodan oi tsuki. Defend with Osae uke and counter-attack with Migi ashi tobi-geri, Uraken uchi
- Jodan Number 6: Attack with Jodan oi tsuki. Defend with Hidari haiwan uke. Step forward to the inside of the opponent and grab the opponent’s neck, pull down and drop (Okuri dashi) followed by Uchi mawashi geri
- Jodan Number 7: Attack with Jodan oi tsuki. Defend with Migi Haiwan uke, step behind and pull down (hiki taoshi). Counter-attack with Gedan tsuki
Chudan oi tsuki
- Chudan Number 1: Attack with Chudan oi tsuki. Defend with Soto ude uke and counter attack with Chudan gyaku tsuki
- Chudan Number 2: Attack with Chudan oi tsuki. Defend with Hidari Seiryuto gedan uke and counter attack with Uraken uchi
- Chudan Number 3: Attack with Chudan oi tsuki. Evade (Tai sabaki) to the outside of the opponent at the same time as the attack and counter-attack with Chudan gyaku tsuki
- Chudan Number 4: Attack with Chudan oi tsuki. Defend with Chudan mae geri (to the opponent’s dantian when sensing the attack is coming) and Gedan barai and counter-attack with Kizami tsuki or Tate tsuki
- Chudan Number 5: Attack with Chudan oi tsuki. Defend with Gyaku gedan barai. Counter-attack with Ushiro Mawashi geri, Osotogari, Gyaku tsuki
- Chudan Number 6: Attack with Chudan oi tsuki. Defend with Migi kake shuto uke. Counter-attack with Hidari tate nuki taoshi, Ushiro empi
- Chudan Number 7: Attack with Chudan oi tsuki. Defend with Hidari haiwan uke, Ashi barai. Counter-attack with Ushiro mawashi kakato geri
- Chudan Number 8: Attack with Chudan oi tsuki. Defend with Hidari soto ude uke (grab fist and twist) and counter-attack with Kobura gaeshi (step across and drop) and Gyaku tsuki
Chudan mae geri
- Mae geri Number 1: Attack with Chudan mae geri. Defend with Gedan barai and counter attack with Chudan gyaku tsuki
- Mae geri Number 2: Attack with Chudan mae geri. Defend with Migi gedan barai, Tate uke and counter attack with Choku tsuki
- Mae geri Number 3: Attack with Chudan mae geri. Defend with Gedan juji uke and counter-attack with Jodan shuto uchi
- Mae geri Number 4: Attack with Chudan mae geri. Defend with Gedan barai and counter-attack with Gyaku tsuki
- Mae geri Number 5: Attack with Chudan mae geri. Defend with Hidari gedan barai (moving in) and counter-attack with Jigoku otoshi in kiba dachi
- Mae geri Number 6: Attack with Chudan mae geri. Defend by Tai sabaki (to the left in neko ashi dachi) and counter-attack with Migi gedan geri (to the groin)
- Mae geri Number 7: Attack with Chudan mae geri. Defend with Gyaku gedan barai, Kake uke and counter-attack with Osotogari, gyaku tsuki
Yoko geri kekomi
- Yoko geri Number 1: Attack with Yoko kekomi. Defend with Hidari soto ude uke and counter attack with Gyaku tsuki
- Yoko geri Number 2: Attack with Yoko geri kekomi. Defend with Awase seiryuto uke and counter-attack with Migi jodan tate tsuki
- Yoko geri Number 3: Attack with Yoko geri kekomi. Defend with Hidari haiwan uke and counter-attack with Ushiro mawashi empi (in Zenkutsu dachi)
Jodan mawashi geri
- Mawashi geri Number 1. Attack with Jodan mawashi geri. Defend with Haiwan uke and counter attack with Chudan gyaku tsuki
- Mawashi geri Number 2. Attack with Jodan mawashi geri. Defend by stepping forward and counter-attack with Kizami gyaku tsuki, Tate shuto uke
- Mawashi geri Number 3. Attack with Jodan mawashi geri. Defend with Awase shuto uke and counter attack with Mawashi geri
- Mawashi geri Number 4. Attack with Jodan mawashi geri. Defend by stepping forward and block with Jodan hidari uchi ude uke. Counter-attack with Gedan haito uchi
Ushiro geri
- Ushiro geri Number 1: Attack with Ushiro geri. Defend with Gyaku sukui uke and counter-attack with Kizami tate tsuki
- Ushiro geri Number 2: Attack with Ushiro geri. Defend with Gyaku ude uke and counter-attack with Ashi barai throw and Gyaku tsuki
- Ushiro geri Number 3: Attack with Ushiro geri. Defend with Migi sukui uke and counter-attack with Hidari ushiro geri
Jodan kizami tsuki
- Kizami tsuki Number 1: Attack with Jodan kizami tsuki. Evade by steping to the left and counter attack with Jodan Uraken uchi and Hidari gyaku tsuki
- Kizami tsuki Number 2: Attack with Jodan kizami tsuki. Defend with Ashi barai, Harai uke and counter-attack with Ura tsuki
- Kizami tsuki Number 3: Attack with Jodan kizami tsuki. Defend with Haiwan nagashi uke and counter-attack with Uraken uchi (in Fudo dachi and simultaneously)
Chudan Gyaku tsuki
- Gyaku tsuki Number 1: Attack with Chudan gyaku tsuki. Evade by stepping the right foot to the left and counter attack with Kizami tsuki and Gyaku tsuki
- Gyaku tsuki Number 2: Attack with Chudan gyaku tsuki. Defend with Gyaku gedan barai, Mawashi geri and counter-attack with Heiko ushiro shuto uchi
- Gyaku tsuki Number 3: Attack with Chudan gyaku tsuki. Defend with Hidari gedan barai and counter-attack with Hidari uraken uchi
- Gyaku tsuki Number 4: Attack with Chudan gyaku tsuki. Defend with Hidari gedan barai. Simulataneously counter-attack with Migi jodan tsuki.
5. Ukemi waza
Ukemi Waza are break-fall techniques.
You are required to perform Ukemi Waza Level 3 or higher. Level 3 includes the following techniques:
- Shoulder roll from standing position
- Shoulder roll to side breakfall
- Side breakfall from simple throw.
You need to demonstrate both the left and right sides.
6. A written essay
At some dojos, you may be required to write an essay on a karate topic of your choice. The essay needs to be written and submitted to the examiner prior to the grading.
Examples of essay topics could be your interpretation of dojo kun, your understanding of one of the 20 precepts of karate, why kata is karate and karate is kata, your personal karate journey, and what karate means to you, etc.
Some dojos may also have a test on your general knowledge of karate history.
7. Fitness test
Fitness tests are usually a part of black belt grading and can vary significantly from dojo to dojo.
At some dojos, fitness tests may include 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squat kicks, and 100 star jumps. At other dojos, they may include 1000 push-ups, 1000 sit-ups, 1000 kicks, 1000 punches, 1000 squats and 1km run.
You are normally told what would be included in the physical test as a part of your shodan grading.
If you are not sure, please ask early on when you are told to prepare for your black belt grading so you’ve got the time to appropriately prepare.
You would be exempted if you are physically unable to complete part of the fitness test. But if you are physically able to, you definitely should push yourself. It is hard but at the same time, it will make you a stronger and a better karateka.
The JKA Kyu and Dan Rank Certification System
Shotokan Karate International Australia Grading Syllabus
Shotokan Grading Syllabus – Shima-kai Martial Arts
Understanding the Meaning of Karate Belt Colors
Zanshin Shotokan Karatedo Grading Curriculum
Technical Manual by Japan Karate Association
If you find this post helpful, please consider sharing this post and my site with those who might be interested. I would appreciate that a lot.
Please also check out my library of other karate articles which is updated regularly.
The information was very helpful
Thank you, we are glad you find it useful!
I am currently preparing for Brown 1. I am very thankful to you for writing the informative essay. Now I can start working on each piece bit y bit.
From South Africa Bethlehem Free State
36 year old karateka
Congratulations on achieving your First Kyu Brown Belt — a fantastic accomplishment! Best of luck with your next grading, and enjoy every step of your journey.
All the best from the KP Team!
We’re glad you found it useful.
We wish you all the best with your grading preparation and training!